Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Art by: Patric McDonnell

Book Review

Art by Patrick McDonnell

1. Type of Book: picture storybook

2. Format: hardbound with cover

3. Multicultural: n/a

4. Awards: n/a

5. Age Appropriate: 5 years and older

6. Brief Synopsis: Art is a little boy who loves art. Join Art in this written-in-rhyme story as he scribbles, zigs, zags, and doodles works of art.

7. Interaction: the children can describe the pictures that Art creates

8. Quality: a) Color -- use of primary colors (red, yellow, blue) and neutral colors (black and white)
b) Listening Pleasure -- simple language, written with rhyming lines
c) Charm -- as Art creates his art, it will inspire us to create our own

9. Debrief: a) What kinds of things do you like to draw or paint?
b) Art's mom put his pictures up on the refrigerator. When you create pieces of art,
what do your parents do with them?
c) Besides paper, where else can we create art?
d) Do you know what a museum is? Has anyone been to a museum?

10. Activities: a) Free Art Expression
~ set out large individual sheets of paper and various art materials (tempera paints
in cups, water color pallets, paint brushes of assorted sizes, markers, crayons,
colored pencils, colored chalk, etc.)
~ let the children express themselves freely
b) Group Mural
~ attach a large length of butcher paper onto a wall or fence
~ decide, as a group, the theme to the mural
~ use poster or tempera paint and brushes of assorted sizes to create the mural
c) Field Trip to a Museum
~ if possible, set up a field trip to a local museum
example: The Children's Museum

-Ailene N.

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