Title: The Seals On The Bus by Lenny Hort; illustrations by G. Brian Karas.
Type: picture, novelty, interactive.
Format: softcover without bright colors; when book is placed flat, there is a different animal on each page.
Multicultural: none.
Awards: none.
Age appropriate: preschoolers. Uses repetition and animal sounds.
Brief synopsis: a father, mother, daughter, and son take a bus to go to a party. The bus is driven by a lion and at each bus stop a different animal gets on.
Interaction: children repeat the animal sounds or make animal movements.
Quality: word play, onomatopoeia, humor or wit, repetition, predictability, action, contains illustrations.
--"This is how rabbit hop." You model it for them first then ask them what do rabbits do.
--Why are the monkeys sitting on top of the bus?
--Why were the other animals afraid of the snakes?
--Why do the little boy and the little girl seem so happy in the picture?
Type: picture, novelty, interactive.
Format: softcover without bright colors; when book is placed flat, there is a different animal on each page.
Multicultural: none.
Awards: none.
Age appropriate: preschoolers. Uses repetition and animal sounds.
Brief synopsis: a father, mother, daughter, and son take a bus to go to a party. The bus is driven by a lion and at each bus stop a different animal gets on.
Interaction: children repeat the animal sounds or make animal movements.
Quality: word play, onomatopoeia, humor or wit, repetition, predictability, action, contains illustrations.
--"This is how rabbit hop." You model it for them first then ask them what do rabbits do.
--Why are the monkeys sitting on top of the bus?
--Why were the other animals afraid of the snakes?
--Why do the little boy and the little girl seem so happy in the picture?
-Luis G.
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